Monday, April 12, 2010

more baking therapy/procrastination

My papers are not going the best. I am trying, maybe not hard enough, but they are just taking so long. Anyway, Ellie was in need of a pick-me-up today, so I made these delicious cookies. Seriously, the best cookies I have ever made. The picture isn't the best, as its from my phone, and definitely does not convey the amazingness. However, if you check the original recipe here, there is a better picture.

I modified the recipe a bit. First of all, they are gluten free! I used a white gluten-free flour mix, and added a little less than 1/4 tsp of xanthan gum. And secondly, I used milk chocolate chunks instead of dark chocolate chips.

I think next time I make these, I will use some white chocolate chips. The amount of chocolate in these cookies is a bit hilarious, but also so delicious.


  1. What is the xantham gum for? Is it a gluten free issue?

  2. yes, it makes gluten-free flour react like gluteny flour. you have to be careful when using it though, because it can make whatever you are baking a strange consistency.
