Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chelsea and Kensington - shoes that pass in Soho do not pass here

What a strange night. Ellie and I went out to Chelsea because of her friend's birthday. She wore these converse, along with a collared shirt, sweatervest and jeans - quite smart I think. When we got to the club and informed the bouncer we were on the guest list, he looked her up and down and said that she wasn't aloud to come in with those shoes on. "Sporting shoes of any kind" are not allowed in this club. Who would wear those shoes for any sport?!? He actually said "you would come out on a Saturday night and go to a club wearing those shoes?" It was so rude and elitist. I basically can't believe it happened. Bastards! We were in a posh neighborhood I guess.

It took us an hour to get there because there are partial closures on some tube lines in our area. The whole night felt like a bit of a waste as we didn't even get to see her friend. There was no use arguing with the bouncer person about the issue, he was basically a brick wall of bitchery. I think some homophobia/sexism was involved in this encounter, because if some famous footballer man came to the club after a game at Chelsea stadium, he probably would have been let in. The bouncer actually checked Ellie out before saying anything and was incredibly judgmental. Ellie is planning on writing a letter to the management of the club talking about how rude the bouncer was. Yes, weird situation. We ended up going to Ealing Broadway, getting chips, and walking home. Quite an exciting Saturday night, I hear you say. Yep.

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